Review of SUN Country National Nutrition Plans
2021/Global/TASC Consortium In 2021, under the Technical Assistance to Strengthening Capabilities (TASC) project, a team of eight…
IASC Harmonised Training Package (HTP)
2011/Global/IASC NutritionWorks finalised coordinating the second version of the Harmonised Training Package. The HTP is a state of the art…
In-service and pre-service training in Bangladesh and Kenya
2011/Bangladesh and Kenya/USAID-OFDA, ENN In collaboration with the Emergency Nutrition Network and under a USAID-OFDA grant, NutritionWorks…
Guidelines and training package on high impact nutrition interventions in Timor-Leste
2015/Timor-Leste/UNICEF NutritionWorks developed a set of Timor-Leste specific nutrition intervention materials and guidelines to improve the…
Guidelines and training package on high impact nutrition interventions in Kiribati, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu
2018/Pacific/UNICEF Drawing on the work in Timor-Leste, NutritionWorks developed a set of national guidelines, training materials, and…