NutritionWorks provides expertise in four areas fundamental to addressing malnutrition across the world. In this section you can find recent projects under each theme.
Review of SUN Country National Nutrition Plans
2021/Global/TASC Consortium In 2021, under the Technical Assistance to Strengthening Capabilities (TASC) project, a team of eight…
IASC Harmonised Training Package (HTP)
2011/Global/IASC NutritionWorks finalised coordinating the second version of the Harmonised Training Package. The HTP is a state of the art…
In-service and pre-service training in Bangladesh and Kenya
2011/Bangladesh and Kenya/USAID-OFDA, ENN In collaboration with the Emergency Nutrition Network and under a USAID-OFDA grant, NutritionWorks…
Guidelines and training package on high impact nutrition interventions in Timor-Leste
2015/Timor-Leste/UNICEF NutritionWorks developed a set of Timor-Leste specific nutrition intervention materials and guidelines to improve the…
Guidelines and training package on high impact nutrition interventions in Kiribati, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu
2018/Pacific/UNICEF Drawing on the work in Timor-Leste, NutritionWorks developed a set of national guidelines, training materials, and…
Technical Assistance to Strengthen Capabilities (TASC)
2020-2023/Global/TASC Consortium The TASC consortium, funded by the United Kingdom Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), was led by…
Review of the Minimum Reporting Package for Save the Children
2013/Global/Save the Children The Minimum Reporting Package was reviewed on the request of Save the Children. This was conducted in…
Nutrition programme review DFID Pakistan
2011/Pakistan/DFID This report describes how the programmes of DFID in Pakistan could contribute directly and indirectly to improving the…
Review of UNHCR Emergency Response in Dollo Ado
2011/Ethiopia/UNHCR A review was conducted of the UNHCR response to the Dollo Ado emergency in Ethiopia.
Urban malnutrition: a review of food security and nutrition among the urban poor
2012/Global/Save the Children NutritionWorks has conducted a review on 'food security and nutrition among the urban poor' on behalf of Save…
Evaluation of Save The Children‘s Nutrition Programme India
2014/India/Save the Children The evaluation: assessed to what extent the programme improved nutrition through the provision of humanitarian…
Research into survey indicators in Ethiopia
2011 / Ethiopia /IASC, OCHA This is a published article based upon research carried out by NutritionWorks in Ethiopia. Humanitarian agencies…
Nutrition Survey report – Multiple indicator assessment of the urban poor
2014 / Cambodia / People in Need and UNICEF Phil McKinney led on conducting a Nutrition Survey for People in Need Cambodia. This was completed…
Technical Support to Irish Aid
2014-2016/Irish Aid NutritionWorks Associate Emily Mates provided technical assistance to Irish Aid that included supporting Ireland’s…
Strengthening Integration of Nutrition within Health Sector Programmes : An Evidence-based Planning Resource
2017/Global/European Commission NutritionWorks authored an evidence-based planning resource providing an overview of evidence on nutrition…
Maximising the Quality of Scaling Up Nutrition plus (MQSUN+)
2016-2020/Global/MQSUN+ consortium Part of the PATH-led consortium providing technical assistance (TA) to governments in the SUN movement and to the…
Guidance on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E)
2014 / DG ECHO, Groupe URD and NutritionWorks collaboration NutritionWorks collaborated with Group URD (INSPIRE Consortium) and DG ECHO to…
Knowledge and research for nutrition mid-term review
2023/Global/ Nutrition Research Facility NutritionWorks in collaboration with Mokoro conducted the Mid-term Review of the European Union’s Nutrition…
Scaling up nutrition through multisectoral planning: An exploratory review of 26 national nutrition plans
2021/Global/ MQSUN+ / PATH / SMS / FCDO This exploratory review used the framework of the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Checklist of criteria…
Transitioning nutrition programming from humanitarian aid to health system strengthening in Kenya
2021/Kenya/MQSUN+ From June 2018 to April 2020, Maximising the Quality of Scaling Up Nutrition Plus (MQSUN+) provided technical support to the UK’s…
Technical editors for the Global Nutrition Report 2020
2019/Global/Development Initiatives The Global Nutrition Report (GNR) was conceived following the first Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Initiative…
Save the Children Nutrition and Food Security Assessment Review
2013/Global/Save the Children This was commissioned by Save the Children. The review examines existing methods for assessing nutrition and…
Evaluation of World Food Programme’s Nutrition Policy
2015/Global/Mokoro, Valid International & NutritionWorks NutritionWorks was part of a team that evaluated WFP's Nutrition Policy. The…
Evaluation Quality Assurance and Learning Service (EQuALS)
2015-2020/Global/EQuALS consortium NutritionWorks is part of the EQuALS consortium, led by IOD-Parc, providing technical support to the design…
Nutrition Technical Support Consultancy for DFAT, Ireland
2019-2022/Ireland/Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade NutritionWorks is providing enhanced policy support for nutrition to the Policy Unit…
World Vision nutrition within Child Health Now Campaign 2011
2011/Global/World Vision NutritionWorks led a review process of the operational considerations responding to various global initiatives…
World Vision Scoping Study: Developing a programme and policy strategy for nutrition-sensitive agriculture and food security
2015/Global/World Vision NutritionWorks conducted a scoping exercise for World Vision to provide recommendations on a programme and policy…
Operational factors in the integration of nutrition into agriculture and livelihoods programmes in Zimbabwe
2017/Zimbabwe/World Vision NutritionWorks conducted a case study as a learning exercise for World Vision, partners and a wider audience of…
Discussion Paper On The Operational Factors Influencing Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture
2015/Global/World Vision On behalf of World Vision, examining what are the operational opportunities and challenges that programmes face in…
The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement: examining progress and partnerships
2017/Zambia, Kenya, Bangladesh/Center for Strategic and International Studies CSIS Global Food Security Project launched a new report authored…