2019-2022/Ireland/Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
NutritionWorks is providing enhanced policy support for nutrition to the Policy Unit in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) Development Cooperation Division (DCD). Primarily in the area of policy development and policy coherence, NutritionWorks’ technical assistance aims to ensure that Ireland’s nutrition engagements and investments are fully informed by, and contribute optimally to ‘A Better World: Ireland’s Policy for International Development our new international development policy.’
This includes:
- Technical quality assurance and value added to nutrition relevant research and learning engagements
- Development of Operational Guidance for Nutrition to provide guidance and support to staff engaged in Ireland’s policy development, influencing and/or programming for nutrition
- In the area of strategic planning and aid effectiveness, supporting the improvement and coherence of relevant performance frameworks to leverage more and aggregated Irish Aid nutrition outcomes ahead of the Nutrition 4 Growth Summit in Tokyo at the end of 2021.