Jane Keylock has over 15 years of expertise, across Africa and Asia, in nutrition and food security, with extensive experience of managing and implementing emergency nutrition programmes as well as supporting national governments, UNICEF Country Offices and NGOs to deliver nutrition services. Her capacity strengthening experience has also included supporting health-workers in Timor-Leste and the Solomon Islands to implement high impact nutrition interventions.
She has been strongly involved with the ‘Maximising the Quality of Scaling Up Nutrition initiative’ through which she has supported the Lao Government to develop a multisector monitoring framework and DFID Pakistan to develop a multisector nutrition programme. Jane contributed to a scoping study World Vision on integrating nutrition into agriculture and food security. She is also an experienced evaluator. Jane has been the nutrition expert on Country Portfolio Evaluations for WFP in Indonesia and Timor Leste, was a team member for the evaluation of Sida’s humanitarian Programme, and was also an expert for the evaluation of WFP’s Nutrition Policy. Additional experience has included analysing the domestic response to humanitarian crises, particularly from a financial perspective.
Jane became a Partner in June 2014.