Laura Phelps has been working in the field of International Public Nutrition for the past 12 years. She has experience of nutrition, food security and livelihoods programme analysis, design and implementation, with related policy and advocacy, evaluation and capacity development within humanitarian NGO’s. This ranges from nutritional causal analysis to infant feeding policy development, and delivering training in integrated emergency and rehabilitation preparedness and response. Laura is particularly interested in the developing field of urban programming, social protection, and food price rises, and the links with nutrition.
She has extensive experience working in South, East and Central Asia, and has also worked in sub-Saharan Africa, Eastern Europe and the South Pacific. Laura currently works part-time as an Emergency Food Security and Livelihoods Advisor for Oxfam GB. Previous organisational affiliations include Action Against Hunger UK and USA and Save the Children UK. Laura has an MSc in Public Health, and a postgraduate diploma in Dietetics.