Rebecca Brown is a Public Health Nutritionist / Food Security Specialist, with 16 years of experience working in international relief and development with UK and French-based NGOs in the areas of both nutrition and food security. She holds a Masters of Medical Science in Human Nutrition (Sheffield University).
Her specific areas of interest and expertise include: management of acute malnutrition, food security, nutritional surveillance, causal analysis, prevention of undernutrition, HIV and nutrition.
She spent 7 years in field-based positions and gained experience managing nutrition and security projects, conducting surveys and assessments, in countries including: Afghanistan, Burundi, Cambodia, DRC, India, Iran, Malawi, Mongolia, Philippines, Sudan, Swaziland, Tajikistan, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
She then held senior management level positions for nearly ten years in the Headquarters of ACF International Network. Most recently, this included 2 years at ACF Paris Headquarters as Senior Nutrition Adviser from 2009-2010, with overall responsibility for organisational nutrition policy and strategy; the development, coordination and follow-up of field nutrition activities; advocacy, research and technical development with a particular focus on CMAM, donor liaison and proposal development, ensuring appropriate training and support to HQ and field-based nutrition staff, organisation and implementation of technical workshops, external coordination and representation, development of partnerships with both academic and technical bodies
Rebecca has extensive experience of networking and coordination at global and national level with a broad range of actors in Public Health Nutrition and Food Security. She has English as her mother tongue, good spoken and written French and Russian.