Kate Sadler is a public nutritionist with over 25 years of experience in the design, management, evaluation and research of nutrition interventions in Africa and Asia. She started her career as a program nutritionist in several countries in Africa, including Ethiopia, Malawi, Sudan, Rwanda and Burundi and for the past 15 years has worked in global policy/programme technical support and applied research in the area of nutrition and food security. As part of this work she has overseen the operations of a small research organization, worked as an assistant professor at post-graduate level and has managed multisectoral teams and projects. Kate has a PhD in nutrition and was an integral part of the team responsible for the multi-country research on which the adoption of the CMAM approach (for the community-based management of acute malnutrition) was based. Examples of Kate’s recent projects include the research of community case management of severe acute malnutrition in Bangladesh; linking livestock interventions to child health and nutrition in pastoralist areas of Africa; the strengthening of nutrition across multi-sectoral programs (including HIV, health and livelihoods) in Ethiopia; evaluation of WFP’s global nutrition and HIV policy and programmes and a literature review, a technical brief and podcasts on the prevention of wasting.