A highly experienced nutrition and food security practitioner, Tamsin Walters provides strategic and technical assistance to UN agencies, governments, donors, and NGOs at both global and country level. Tamsin specialises in public health nutrition and food security technical support, analysis and policy and strategy development, as well as providing broader strategic thinking and support to multi-sectoral humanitarian programming approaches. With experience in 29 African and Central and Southeast Asian countries over almost 20 years, her knowledge includes a comprehensive understanding of development policy within global, regional and community contexts. She is continuously engaged in improvement of the knowledge base for nutrition through involvement in global technical meetings, research publications and through management of an online technical discussion forum. Over the past six years, Tamsin has also led on NutritionWorks’ engagement with DFID’s MQSUN/MQSUN+, supporting SUN countries to develop nutrition policies and plans and providing technical assistance to DFID country offices.
Tamsin is a firm advocate for learning, building on experience and applying contextual solutions, while ensuring best practice in humanitarian and development initiatives. She employs these approaches throughout her work and particularly in evaluation and capacity development roles.
In addition to her position as a partner in NutritionWorks, Tamsin is an Associate with the Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN) and an Honorary Lecturer at Bristol University. Previous organisational affiliations include Concern Worldwide, Action Contre la Faim (ACF) and Action Against Hunger UK, Oxfam, CAFOD and Caritas Internationalis.