Technical Assistance to Strengthen Capabilities (TASC)
2020-2023/Global/TASC Consortium The TASC consortium, funded by the United Kingdom Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), was led by…
Review of the Minimum Reporting Package for Save the Children
2013/Global/Save the Children The Minimum Reporting Package was reviewed on the request of Save the Children. This was conducted in…
Nutrition programme review DFID Pakistan
2011/Pakistan/DFID This report describes how the programmes of DFID in Pakistan could contribute directly and indirectly to improving the…
Review of UNHCR Emergency Response in Dollo Ado
2011/Ethiopia/UNHCR A review was conducted of the UNHCR response to the Dollo Ado emergency in Ethiopia.
Urban malnutrition: a review of food security and nutrition among the urban poor
2012/Global/Save the Children NutritionWorks has conducted a review on 'food security and nutrition among the urban poor' on behalf of Save…
Evaluation of Save The Children‘s Nutrition Programme India
2014/India/Save the Children The evaluation: assessed to what extent the programme improved nutrition through the provision of humanitarian…
Research into survey indicators in Ethiopia
2011 / Ethiopia /IASC, OCHA This is a published article based upon research carried out by NutritionWorks in Ethiopia. Humanitarian agencies…
Nutrition Survey report – Multiple indicator assessment of the urban poor
2014 / Cambodia / People in Need and UNICEF Phil McKinney led on conducting a Nutrition Survey for People in Need Cambodia. This was completed…
Technical Support to Irish Aid
2014-2016/Irish Aid NutritionWorks Associate Emily Mates provided technical assistance to Irish Aid that included supporting Ireland’s…
Strengthening Integration of Nutrition within Health Sector Programmes : An Evidence-based Planning Resource
2017/Global/European Commission NutritionWorks authored an evidence-based planning resource providing an overview of evidence on nutrition…